Saturday, July 16, 2011

16 Remarkable Weekend Finds!

An Etsy Treasury curated by Gilliauna ~ The Sun Sets in the Forest.... Softly

Click on the picture below to be taken to a page where you can browse individual items you like that you see pictured here as well as the shops where these items were found and artisans behind them all!

The Sun Sets in the Forest.... SoftlyCredits go to: ashybash, BootsNGus, CBMLphoto, ClaretStreet , craftymcgee, curiousprints, deannabachart, eastwitching, ForStrangeWomen, foryoubymenet, frostcollections, Gilliauna, greenbaboondesigns, lesleysico, MadriganDesigns, Theoccupant and thePaintedSky.


AsteropeBC said...

Beautiful choices - I love the woodsy feel!

Anonymous said...

I am looking forward to visit and read such information further.
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